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Dining Menu

You are what you the old adage goes. Good health begins by what we put into our bodies. That is why we take the food we serve so seriously at Fairmount.


Our bodies require optimal nutritional support to thrive and be healthy, particularly those who are elderly and combating life’s obstacles. Our menu is a combination of whole, fresh foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fish and meats, that are skillfully prepared and presented on site in an array of colors, textures, and flavors.

Meals are then served and shared family style to provide time for socialization and interaction amongst friends and family. This makes mealtime feel like home, all translating to better nutrition, better health and better living!  Seniors eat better when they are eating with other people.

We also believe in the old saying, breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. All three meals have their purpose based upon the body’s optimal functioning levels. Breakfast is made to order, lunch is the main meal of the day and dinner is generally soup, salad, sandwiches or lighter meals.

Our Chef creates a new menu each week selecting produce that is in season to ensure a well rounded and wholesome meal.

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Below are two examples of our Fairmont weekly menus.  For the current please visit us at the Fairmont.